How the Raven Stole the Light
One day while the maiden was drinking from a stream, I transformed myself into a speck of dirt and drifted into her cup as she dipped it into the stream. She then drank me and found herself pregnant soon after.
I came into the world again, This time as a human baby, except for the feather indication along with my long hooked nose and beaming eyes. The tribe excepted me even with my obscure look.
I was a fussy baby, they quickly found out, as food and water wound not stop me from crying nor attacking anyone who tried to take care of me. I just kept crawling over the the many boxes. They pulled me back, they did not want a child in the possessions of the tribe.
But slowly my wailing and carrying on weaken there minds and made them impatient to quiet my bird like screams. So they handed me one of the box, a small less significant one. To their relief I shut my mouth and played with the box and its contents. After a while I realized that the box was no longer interesting since it did not have the shiny I desperately wanted. So I threw the box aside and fell to my back letting another awe full screech. They all jumped at this and scrambled to give me another box, and I clamped shut and started to examine this one.
This processes continued, the people where frustrated and tired of drag each box to me by the end of the night. My plan was working, their ears could not take another scream and they were exhausted from dragging each container to me.
Finally the boxes disappeared in till the last glowing box was left, they gave it to me with a toss, not bothering to hand it right into my child-like hands. I tear it open and find the glowing light warming my tear wet face. A devilish smile crossed my beak, they all looked at me but could do nothing to prepare for my next move. I morphed into my seek beautiful self, and took the glowing orb in my beak, and took off, through the smoke hole and into the sky.
The light clamped tight in my beak as the land and sky around me lite up in radiant colors. I flew on lighting up different sections as I past by. As my light past over a cliff, where my 'friend' the 'great' golden eagle slept, he woke in a sudden brightness to his eyes. He saw my seek wing swoop past him in a brilliant glow of fire. He screeched and took off after me, racing to caught me in his large tearing talons. I cackle and pick up pace as my eyes reflected the sharp claws. There was no way I would be caught between those daggers. We both climb higher and he slowly is gaining air as his wing pound the air with more surface area then mine. Finally I feel his breath beating down my back and his talons slowly intercepting my back hunches. In a furry of movements I twist away, cawing loud when the light slips from my narrow beak and falls.
The light hots the ground shattering. Pieces hit every inch of the land lighting everything up to make the world visible. A shard finds it's way up to the sky becoming what we call now the sun. Every thing is seen, all my creations are now in perspective. Eagle is amazed and blinded by the radiance, so I slip away unnoticed, escaping successfully. The chief, now angered, rushes out of his tent in a mad rage. But then lies eyes on his daughter. His mouth drops in a gaping matter, he had never known how beautiful she was, how he had been bless all along. So he turns and kisses her forehead letting the anger melt away. Eagle in amazing by this new landscape, he flies the skies looking at every feature, the king of birds looks upon the land.
Ca- What a shame... The light would have been perfect from a view in my nest. If only I would have gotten it there, I could controlled the contrast of darkness fading into light. I returned, and participated in many more adventures forever afterwards.
Long ago, when earth was still young in it's creation days, a raven, myself, flew across the world morphing the land and heavens to my liking. During this time I had been discomforted, for my earth had one missing essential element, light. Devastated I searched out a source that could bring my world to life. Then a glimmer caught my eye, a tribe, a chieftain, he had in his hand a mesmerizing orb of glowing spectacular. I could not take my eyes off of it. I needed that light, it was to intense for a puny life form to behold.
Day and night, I watched the tribe and the brilliance of the light. Every night, he would keep it ion a box that was held in his village deep in his hut. The chief was very stubborn and possessive about his gift and even resisted to give it to his people to see. Except his daughter, a woman in leather having dark black hair and beautiful skin. A small smile crossed my beak, I had a marvelous idea how to get the light from the selfish chief.

I came into the world again, This time as a human baby, except for the feather indication along with my long hooked nose and beaming eyes. The tribe excepted me even with my obscure look.
I was a fussy baby, they quickly found out, as food and water wound not stop me from crying nor attacking anyone who tried to take care of me. I just kept crawling over the the many boxes. They pulled me back, they did not want a child in the possessions of the tribe.
But slowly my wailing and carrying on weaken there minds and made them impatient to quiet my bird like screams. So they handed me one of the box, a small less significant one. To their relief I shut my mouth and played with the box and its contents. After a while I realized that the box was no longer interesting since it did not have the shiny I desperately wanted. So I threw the box aside and fell to my back letting another awe full screech. They all jumped at this and scrambled to give me another box, and I clamped shut and started to examine this one.
This processes continued, the people where frustrated and tired of drag each box to me by the end of the night. My plan was working, their ears could not take another scream and they were exhausted from dragging each container to me.
Finally the boxes disappeared in till the last glowing box was left, they gave it to me with a toss, not bothering to hand it right into my child-like hands. I tear it open and find the glowing light warming my tear wet face. A devilish smile crossed my beak, they all looked at me but could do nothing to prepare for my next move. I morphed into my seek beautiful self, and took the glowing orb in my beak, and took off, through the smoke hole and into the sky.
The light hots the ground shattering. Pieces hit every inch of the land lighting everything up to make the world visible. A shard finds it's way up to the sky becoming what we call now the sun. Every thing is seen, all my creations are now in perspective. Eagle is amazed and blinded by the radiance, so I slip away unnoticed, escaping successfully. The chief, now angered, rushes out of his tent in a mad rage. But then lies eyes on his daughter. His mouth drops in a gaping matter, he had never known how beautiful she was, how he had been bless all along. So he turns and kisses her forehead letting the anger melt away. Eagle in amazing by this new landscape, he flies the skies looking at every feature, the king of birds looks upon the land.
Ca- What a shame... The light would have been perfect from a view in my nest. If only I would have gotten it there, I could controlled the contrast of darkness fading into light. I returned, and participated in many more adventures forever afterwards.
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