I am Raven, you may otherwise know me as CHULYEN, HEMASKAS, GUGUYNI, NANKIL'SLAS, KWEKWAXA'WE, KWEKWAXAWE, TXAMSEM, WE-GYET, YHEL. These names associate with tribes including the Chippewa. ut I prefer God of mayhem! My features are those of a Raven. My feathers seek black and my eyes beady glowing lights. I have the temper of a god and I tend to get into much trouble as this form. Some even comment that I am a greedy, gluttony and impatient at times.
I never had a family. Though I did steal the appearance of a young boy at one point, I was never truly part of a family. The closes I have came to having a family was when I was a handsome young man in love with the chiefs daughter. Ka- But that is another story...
As for magic powers? I am known to be cunning and very deceit full even though I commit generous deeds for humanity at times. So I would say that I am the master of theft, the most talented in disguise and the most clever bird in the universe. But I do have a weak spot for shiny objects.

How were you born? Or did you just come out of nowhere?
ReplyDeleteCa- You are are asking how I came to be.
DeleteWell, I have always existed. I am the creator of life. So let me ask you; if I created birth and death, then how could I experience it before it existed?
But it is funny you ask.
I actually have experienced birth before.
It is a bit of a tale...
But I was in need of light to shine on my new earth. I met a human maiden who's tribe own the light source I needed.
So I transformed myself into dirt on a cup and the maiden drank me. Ca- Soon I was born from her as a human with raven features.
I was not the most delightful kid. But the story continues. and I was able to transform back to my beautiful seek self.